Are you attempting to quit smoking? Would you like to stop smoking but are just not sure about the best way to go about it? Smoking cigarettes is no longer seen as the cool thing to do, I remember a friend asking me if I would like to have a few puffs of his fag when I was aged just thirteen. I told him that I did not want to and was soon being treated like some kind of wimp. Thankfully that has all changed and in this day and age it is the people who smoke that are classed as the wimps. In this article I am going to write about the way which helped me to successfully quit smoking.
The world is changing as we speak. People are no longer allowed to smoke at work, in restaurants and even in public houses. This would have been unthinkable a decade ago. Where will it all end? Where will we be in ten years time? Will smoking become illegal? Will they put so much tax on a packet of cigarettes that only the rich and famous could afford to smoke?
Lets face it the time has come to stop smoking. I managed to quit smoking five years ago, what actually happened was a good friend of my fathers became seriously ill with lung and only a few months later died. The last few months of his life were just awful and it was sickening to watch him go through such an ordeal. I remember thinking that there is no way that I want to end up in such a position.
I decided to stop almost immediately and now, five years later do not have any cravings for a cigarette at all. Just think about how much money I have saved in that time, come on people I am sure you can do as well.
Stephen Hill runs The How To Stop Stammering Centre, he has a number of websites including:
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