Many people believe that nicotine causes cancer but the fact is it only provides the addiction in cigarette smoking and does not cause ill health death or disease. On the contrary it's actually good for you.
Don't believe it? Then, read the facts in this article.
The World Health Organization has estimated that cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals.
In addition to tar, there is also carbon monoxide (contained in car exhaust fumes), ammonia (contained in floor cleaner) and arsenic (contained in rat poison).
At least 40 of the chemicals in tobacco smoke are known to cause cancers of:
The lung, throat, mouth, bladder and the kidneys.
Cigarette smoke also contributes to a number of other cancers.
In fact, not only is nicotine not bad for you outside of cigarette smoking it has shown great promise to treat a number of medical conditions. Why?
Nicotine is known to switch on receptors on the surface of cells in certain parts of the brain, causing these neurons to release the Neuro-transmitter dopamine, this chemical is one that is associated with feelings of pleasure and can lift our mood.
In attention other affects on the brain include better memory and attention.
You consume nicotine every day!
Nicotine is a naturally occurring compound and in its organic form is safe and non toxic.
Trace elements are found in many common foods including:
Vegetables such as potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, cauliflower, eggplant, chili peppers, and some teas.
Cigarette smoking kills nicotine does not therefore:
As nicotine withdrawal symptoms are one of the major problems smokers face when giving up or cutting down, all they need to do is get organic nicotine and giving up smoking becomes much easier.
A new nicotine water has just come on the market and was originally targeted at smokers when they dint wish to smoke or couldn't smoke.
Not only do smokers use it but also non smokers who want the potential health benefits nicotine offers.
Expect a lot more drug companies to realize organic nicotine products as medical research shows it's potentially good for us and can help with a number of conditions including:
Parkinson's and Altzeimer's disease, depression, attention disorders and many more.
Nicotine has been seen by many as a killer but it is not and as we have seen as a naturally occurring compound with great potential health benefits.
For more facts on nicotine and a new organic nicotine water with no added chemcials visit our website:
Throat cancer often develops from squamous cells on the mucosal surfaces of the larynx, pharynx or mouth. Smoking cigarettes and drinking large quantities of alcohol can increase a person's risk for developing throat cancer. Head and neck cancers account for about 5 percent of cancers in the United States. Throat cancers usually develop around age 60, and men are 10 times more likely to develop them than women.