Asbestos is composed of fibers that can cause life threatening illness, such as mesothelioma (a cancer), among others. Many companies are being proactive and having asbestos removed before it can harm someone. It can live safely behind walls or ceilings, but as soon as any fibers escape, people may inhale them and become ill. It only takes a tiny amount ingested into the lungs. Unfortunately, the symptoms may not be visible for as long as 40 years, so it's difficult to prevent getting sick from an unknown source.

In general people come into contact with asbestos where they are employed or live. There are other dangerous places, however. Anyone living or working near a shipyard, steel mill, power plant, or refinery is at risk for asbestos exposure. Once again, the asbestos fibers break loose from where they've been hidden, and since they are airborne, they easily travel to neighborhoods that are close by. Other industrial sites that often have asbestos on site are maritime, building, car repair, especially brake or clutch work, roofing and railways.

Asbestos is not only a serious problem for some types of businesses, but it can also be found in many homes and schools. Before to the 1970s, some materials used for building commonly contained asbestos. In fact, as much as 30 million tons of asbestos fiber was used in the United States alone during this time, much of it winding up in homes and schools.

Okay, so how can you make sure you are safe in your own home? First, remember that buying a home, and even one built prior to 1970 does not mean asbestos is a problem. Most people that come down with asbestos related health problems worked in industries where asbestos was prevalent, not from exposure at home. In addition, remember that the majority of people exposed to small amounts of asbestos do not become ill.

If you have any fear at all that you may have asbestos in your home, call the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). They will tell you how to find qualified technicians to come and examine your house. In the case that asbestos is found, they will help you get rid of it. The EPA will also have you get a separate risk assessment to confirm or dispute their finding.

Then, if you are thinking about building a home, unless the material is clearly labeled, you should assume it could have some level of asbestos in it. Therefore, until you can verify that the product is safe, you should contact the manufacturer to find out exactly what is contained in each type of material.

If you plan on purchasing a home, the law dictates that the seller must acknowledge any hazardous materials on-site, including asbestos. If you rent an apartment built before 1970, chances are good that there is some asbestos somewhere. Remember though, that it's only dangerous if the fibers are released into the air. As long as it stays inside the wall, you will be fine.

As of 1995, OSHA issued standards that require testing, maintenance, and disclosure of asbestos for the workplace. Rental property also falls under this ruling, meaning that property owners are required to disclose the presence of any existing asbestos to potential renters. Armed with that information, you can quickly decide whether to live there or look for other rental properly.

Joseph Amiante strives to help people seeking information about the problems of asbestos. Why not go to his web site at: Asbestos Pain, to see the information sources available to you. Visit:


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