(c)Colin Beale - All Rights reserved


As a smoker, you don't need me to tell you about your habit, it's rammed down your throat daily by TV, the press, colleagues, friends, loved ones etc. etc.

You know whether it's 5 or 50 a day, smoking can cause an early painful death.

You know that the cost of cigarettes is spiralling upwards and a 20 a day habit (depending on your age) could cost in excess of £100,000 before your death.

You know that smoking makes your breath smell, that the stench of tobacco clings to your clothes, your hair, your skin.

You know that smoking gradually affects your health, maybe you wake up with a smokers cough or you get out of breath more easily, colds tend to last longer.

You know all these things but you continue to smoke……. WHY?

The medical profession, scientists, government, the media will all tell you its nicotine. Nicotine is a drug and you're addicted!!

POPPYCOCK……………. I'll say it again……………. POPPYCOCK

Here are four compelling facts that prove beyond any reasonable doubt that nicotine is not addictive.

Compelling Fact No. 1

Truly addictive drugs such as Heroin are cumulative. When you start you maybe satisfied with a fix every two or three days, but as you get used to the drug your body craves it more and more, so eventually two or three days have become two or three hours and your body is reduced to just two states…..high on the drug or craving the drug.

With the majority of smokers the amount they smoke tends to remain constant. The 20 a day habit you had five years ago, is still a 20 a day habit. In fact, these days many smokers are now cutting down, almost impossible with a truly addictive drug.

Compelling Fact No. 2

Staying with Heroin addiction for the moment, in the later stages of the addiction, the Heroin addict has just two states, high on the drug or craving the drug. At this point it is difficult to sleep, many addicts will drink themselves into a state of unconscious and try and achieve rest this way.

The problem is that when they wake, their body is craving the amount of Heroin that it has been deprived of during their 'sleep'.

If a smoker were subject to the same level of addiction, a 20 a day person who slept for eight hours would wake with a craving that would only be satisfied by smoking 10 cigarettes all at once.

Compelling Fact No. 3

Let's compare smoking cigarettes and nicotine patches.

The average cigarette contains 0.5mg of nicotine and by inhaling the smoke, the smoker takes into their body about 10% of that nicotine, for example a 15 a day smoker would absorb 7.5mg of nicotine.

Nicotine patches are designed to wean you off smoking gradually. You start with the strongest patch normally for about 6 weeks, move to the intermediate patch for two weeks and finally the weakest patch for two weeks. The amount of nicotine in different manufactures patches varies, but the strongest patch from a well known manufacturer contains 114mg of nicotine and relases 21mg into the bloodstream daily.

Using the example of the 15 a day smoker; he/she stops smoking and starts using the patches, immediately they will absorb nearly three times the amount of nicotine into their bodies. He/she tries the strong patches for 5 weeks but gives into temptation and starts smoking again. At this stage the smoker has been absorbing nearly three times their usual amount of nicotine on a daily

basis for 5 weeks and then goes back to 15 cigarettes a day. If nicotine were addictive that smoker would suffer withdrawal symptoms, they would be climbing the walls, they have just deprived their body of two thirds of the nicotine it had become used to!

Compelling Fact No. 4

Back to Heroin again, because Heroin is a truly addictive drug it is a devastating experience to quit. Addicts experience 'cold turkey', withdrawal symptoms that usually last for 7 days, they include tremors, panic, chills, nausea, muscle cramps, insomnia, stomach cramps, diarrhoea, vomiting and shaking. During this time the addict cannot function on any level and most of the time just feels like dying.

Compare this with quitting smoking, you may feel a bit 'tetchy' for a few days, you may even experience some physical symptoms, usually a hunger like ache in the stomach and sometimes a headache, but you can function and you will not retire to a quiet room to 'curl up and die'!

So there you have it. Four facts that prove nicotine and smoking are not addictive. Now that you know this, you have taken the first step to becoming a 'Natural Non Smoker'.


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