One of the quit smoking ways many have found to help is to figure the cost of smoking and plan on a reward for yourself with the money saved from not smoking. For the same of even numbers, assume you smoke $5 worth of cigarettes per day. At the end of the year you could buy yourself something nice with that $1,875 if you are a one pack a day smoker. If you smoke more than that, imagine the reward you could get.

The good news is that there are many organizations and volunteers who are willing to help a person kick the habit and will share all the quit smoking ways they have tried themselves or have heard of others trying to find a way for you to succeed. You probably did not ask someone to teach you to smoke, but there is no harm in asking someone for help to quit.

The government supports hospitals to treat the many illnesses that smokers acquire, so the government has teamed up with those in the medical services to provide preventative measures. Many experts believe that preventative measures are much less expensive that caring for patients after they are afflicted by problems caused by smoking.

Some government organizations have even asked for special funds to provide help and tips to quit smoking. In California this year, there was a measure on the ballot to raise extra funds to provide help and tips to quit smoking. This measure did not pass but legislators will try to find other means to raise the necessary funds.

There are hotlines available that have trained personnel that provide help and tips to quit smoking. The people manning these hotlines know the resources available to those who want to quit smoking. The lines are always open so smokers tempted to start smoking again can call the counselors on these lines to get support. The staff will encourage the smoker to continue to try and to never give up.

All smokers understand they spend a lot of money on their habit and would have more to spend on other things they want if it was not for the cigarettes. Set a goal to quit smoking and put the cost of cigarettes away for an entire year. Then take that money and buy yourself something special. In addition, other great quit smoking tips include taking a picture of your children and grandchildren and write on the bottom that you promise to be at their wedding. Then place the picture where you usually store your cigarettes so that every time you reach for them, you will pick up the picture and read your promise.

For how to stop smoking, visit for a course in Smoking Cessation,and find other ways to stop smoking